Partnership Approach

  • Our roots are in multi-generational business ownership. The founders of Saray believed that global capital markets were optimal for diversifying their wealth away from the concentration, maturity, and sector quality of the core family operating companies

  • With this long-term mindset, Saray Capital was established in 2010 as a true partnership underpinned by 3 core principles:
     • The founders selectively invite like-minded investors to participate alongside them.
     • The founders & team are the largest contributors of capital to Saray Capital’s investment vehicles.
     • We charge zero management fees on most of our offering and only share in the long-term upside with our Investment Partners.

  • Our Investment Partners leverage our firmwide capabilities and allocate capital to us based on multi-year commitments that enable us to pursue a long-term investment strategy in non-crowded parts of capital markets.